Indeed, apps are there for nannies looking for jobs and parents who can use to converse daily. But, if someone from old school will prefer getting a journal or paper notebook to record their nanny kids. They’ll do it for daily milestones. You also can create a nanny daily log just by using a folder or three-ring binder.
It’s a simple way to get access to a spot for the nanny and family, for example, the kitchen. The log of every day will come with many things. These include schedules, phone numbers, and some other emergency information.
Among the emergency information, the major ones may be the number of health insurance and the babies’ allergies. Also, it may include the medications that the kids are taking. So, before you find nanny jobs, let’s know about some nice nanny baby logbooks to use while working as a nanny.
Baby Tracker® Log
It’s a logbook printed on easy writing, high-quality, 100% recyclable, and bright white paper. You’ll love this log at first sight for your newborns. It’s great for babies from zero to three years old.
In this book, you can track everyday activities, schedules, and requirements in a handy spot. This book has designed to prepare it as faster as easier. You can keep review and record meals, naps, playtime, daily news, activities, to-dos, and milestones.
You can save a record in this version of everyday activity from 6 AM to 7 PM every day. Every journal comes with many things. These include a glance record of 180 days, contact list, health facts, emergency form for medical, etc.
Baby’s Eat, Sleep & Poop Journal
What you’ll mostly like about this logbook is its cuteness, water resistance, and compact design. A mom has made it that’s for helping working and sleep-deprived parents. It also allows their caregivers to keep records of the daily activities of the baby.
The daily activities include feeding, sleep patterns, diaper changes, and immunizations. Moreover, it helps to track the development of your baby and keep the kid on a plan.
The pages of fill-in include a page for useful contact information, growth chart, and immunizations chart. Also, it comes with 60 fill-in charts pages and notes of all tidily organized in a handy spiral notebook.
Nanny Log Book
It is a large child log that parents, children, or au pairs will exchange in visible areas. It is a simple log that contains parts for the date, the day of the week, food and quantity consumed.
The segment needs to report shifts in the wall, hours of sleep, and snacks and events every day. It has a “To-Do List” feature and the parent and nanny notes section.
Baby’s Daily Log
This fashionable log is essential to evaluate sleep patterns, adjustments to diapers, and many more. It is also easy to use. It is the best method for expressing child needs on successful meetings with careers or appointments to the baby doctor.
This contains a four-month file, a one-page day page with a graphic image of the day, a day to do, and reminders section, and supplementary back notes.